ISBS Membership
Becoming a member of ISBS entitles you to the following advantages and benefits:
- To exchange ideas and scientific information with the international applied sports biomechanics community.
- To attend ISBS Annual Conference at reduced registration fees.
- To attend the Mid Year Virtual Symposium for free.
- Receive full access to the Sports Biomechanics journal
- To receive the ISBS Newsletters.
- To join the ISBS Slack Workspace.
- To use ISBS resources like the ISBS literature service.
- To be part of the democratic structure of ISBS, be nominated for the Board of Directors and Executive and vote.
- To be eligible for the ISBS Awards.
- To be eligible for the ISBS Grants.
Membership in ISBS shall be open to any and all persons regardless of geographic origin, who demonstrate a desire to study sport from a biomechanical viewpoint. These persons must be workers in biomechanics and/or sports (coaches, trainers, teachers) or they must demonstrate a strong interest in the area of biomechanics in sports.
Annual Fees
Professional Membership is €52 per year. Student Membership is €42 per year. This includes the subscription* to the Journal 'Sport Biomechanics'.
ISBS Caregivers Membership
ISBS members are entitled to a one-year membership fee waiver in the following circumstances:
- The applicant has been a member of ISBS for at least three consecutive years, or for more than five years in total.
- The member has taken maternity, paternity, adoption, extended parental, or another type of caregiver leave of at least 12 weeks within the past 12 months.
Terms & Conditions:
- The waived membership must start within 12 months of the first day of leave. For example, if a member commences their caregiver leave in November then the membership for the subsequent year (starting in January) will be waived.
- The applicant is to email the ISBS Treasurer ( with “Application for ISBS Caregiver Membership” in the subject line to initiate an application.
- The member may be requested to provide documentary evidence of the caregiver’s leave.
* Please be aware that access to the journal can not be provided if there are any restrictions in place towards the member's home country