
The Student Research Grant is open to final year undergraduate students and graduate students and is available to fund biomechanics research projects in an environment that provides strong mentorship from an established researcher. The grant is designed to assist the student in the early stages of their professional development to encourage the pursuit of biomechanics research.

Funds Available / Allowable Costs

The total funding available is €2000, which is provided by ISBS to fund up to two student awards. Each award may be up to €1000 and is available to fund research for up to one year in duration.

Applications in one or more of the following research areas are encouraged:

  • Sports biomechanics
  • Sports engineering
  • Biomechanics of injury prevention and rehabilitation in sport / exercise
  • Instrumentation and methods of sports biomechanics


  • The applicant is a student member of ISBS.
  • The applicant must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program or graduate program at a university at the time of application.
  • The applicant is supervised by an established researcher, who has been a member of ISBS for at least three years.

Allowable Costs

  • Participant expenses (travel to testing, refreshments during testing)
  • Dissemination of findings (poster printing, workshop attendance, publication charge)
  • Lab consumables for data collection
  • Hardware / software costs for data collection / processing
  • Funding will not cover indirect univerity costs (e.g., overheads).

Application Guidelines

Applications should include the following:

  • A research proposal of up to five A4 pages (single spaces, Arial size 12 font) to include: the research background (including key references), aim, purpose and hypotheses, study design, methods, timetable for data collection/ processing and writing up and costings.
  • A CV of the applicant (2-3 pages in length), including contact information, education, awards and list of publications where relevant.
  • A one-page letter of support from the supervisor, confirming their involvement. The supervisor must be a member of ISBS at the time of application.

Conditions of Funding

Successful applicants that receive the funding are expected to:

  • Submit a full paper to an ISBS conference within the following two years.*
  • Prepare a one page report for the ISBS newsletter one year after receiving the funding
  • Acknowledge the ISBS grant when presenting and publishing the associated work.

* Additional information

To support presentation of their work at a future ISBS conference, successful applicants are encouraged to apply for the ISBS travel grant and will be given priority for this grant providing a paper of acceptable quality is submitted.

Review Process and Evaluation Criteria

A review committee will be formed of good standing ISBS members. The VP for Research and Projects will be responsible for forming the review committee. Up to two highest ranked proposals will be funded. Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Fit of the project to the research objectives described above
  • Quality and suitability of the research project and environment
  • Suitability of the supervisor for the research area
  • For full evaluation criteria refer to Appendix B in the VP of Research and Projects Policy Manual

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted to the VP of Research and Projects via email by 15th April. Announcement of successful applicants will be made at the annual ISBS conference and also via the ISBS website and newsletter.

Successful Grant Applications

YearStudent RecipientResearch Mentor(s)Project TitleAssociated Proceedings Paper
2022 Yu Song
University of Wyoming USA
Assoc/Prof Boyi Dai Mid-flight External Trunk Perturbation and Landing and Cutting Mechanics: Implications for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries TBC
2022 AuraLea Fain
Macquarie University Australia
Assoc/Prof Tim Doyle and Dr Jodie Wills The aim of this study is to employ wearable devices during an outdoor simulated loaded ruck march to generate an individual specific performance and movement profile. TBC
2020 Enora Le Flao
Auckland University of Technology, NZ
Dr Robert Borotkanics Head impact sensors during sparring: differences and similarities between mouthguards, patches and headgear sensors. TBC
2020 Kellen Krajewski
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Dr Chris Connaboy The interactive effects of sex and load magnitude on in vivo tibiofemoral arthrokinematics during prolonged gait tasks. TBC
2019 Saša Čigoja
University of Calgary, Canada
Dr Andrew Cresswell The relationship between the activity of intrinsic foot muscles, longitudinal arch stiffness, and midsole bending stiffness Čigoja (2020)
2019 Manuela Trejo
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Prof Jonathan Wheat Effect of traction in ankle non-contact injury mechanisms Trejo
2018 Ashley Hawke
Northern Michigan University
Dr Sarah Breen
Northern Michigan University
The Effects of Shoe Type on Kinetic, Kinematic, and Physiological Variables During Step-Up and Step-Down Motions Hawke (2019)
2018 Jordan Andersen
The University of Sydney, Australia
Dr Peter Sinclair
The University of Sydney, Australia
The Demands of The Torso Muscles in Controlling and Facilitating Longitudinal Torso Rotation in Sprint and 400m Pace Front Crawl. Anderson (2019)
2017 Qipeng Song
Shanghai University of Sport
Prof Dewei Mao
Shanghai University of Sport
Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Body Stability under Dual Task Condition Among the Elderly during Stair Walking Song (2018)
2017 Stephanie Moore
Northern Michigan University
Dr Gerda Strutzenberger
University of Salzburg Dr Sarah Breen
Northern Michigan University
Biomechanical Adaptations to an Implemented Heel Lift in Female Alpine Skiers

Moore (2018)

Moore (2019)