The purpose of the New Investigator Award (NIA) is to recognize new researchers and to encourage them to become productive members of ISBS by expanding the knowledge base of sports biomechanics through study and dissemination of information. All student members of ISBS, and full members who, at the time of the annual conference, have graduated with their terminal degree (master's or doctoral) within the past two years, are eligible for consideration. Candidates can enter one paper in the competition (oral or poster category), must be the first author of the paper submitted and accepted for presentation at the annual ISBS conference. Candidates must also present their paper at the conference, if selected, in dedicated oral (preliminary finals, finals [top 3]) and poster (finals) sessions. A judging panel uses evaluation templates when selecting the preliminary finalists, finalists, and winners of the competition.

Award Criteria:
  • The applicant must be a member of ISBS at the time of that year’s annual conference.
  • The applicant must provide documentary evidence at the time of that year’s annual conference that they are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate program, or have graduated with their terminal degree (Master’s or Doctoral) within the last two years.
  • The applicant must submit a paper for that year’s annual conference.
  • The applicant must be the lead author of the submitted paper.
  • The applicant can only enter for one type of award (oral or poster) and must not have previously won the oral award (if applying for either category) or poster award (if applying for the poster category).
  • The applicant must not have entered the New Investigator Award (either category) on any three prior instances (i.e. a maximum of three applications in total is permitted).
  • The applicant, if selected as a finalist in the oral or poster competition, must be in attendance to present their work at the conference.
  • The applicant, if selected as a winner of the oral or poster competition, must submit a scientific paper version of their work, as first author, for publication in a special issue of ‘Sports Biomechanics’ within 6 months of the award being confirmed.
  • Applicants must confirm that the paper is not under review at the time of entering for the award, and that it will not be submitted anywhere else until the outcome of the award is known (if they do not win the award).
Submission Process:

The applicant must indicate that they would like to be considered for the NIA when they submit their conference paper. The applicant must also complete an application form and send this along with their supporting documents (evidence of current enrolment or graduation) to the VP of Awards by the closing date for paper submission.


Closing date for paper submissions for that year’s annual conference.

Further Information available on Page 5-9 of the Policy Manual for The Vice President of Awards of ISBS

Award recipients
YearRecipient(s)ConferenceTitle of Presentation
2023 Adrian Rivadulla
University of Bath, UK


Milwaukee, USA Clustering long-distance runners based on their technique at one single speed does not generalise to multiple speeds
2022 Eoin Doyle
Macquarie University, Australia


Liverpool, UK The influence of speed on patellofemoral joint kinetics in recreational runners
2021 Simon Augustus
University of Chichester, UK


Canberra, Australia Defining movement strategies in soccer instep kicking using the relationship between pelvis and kick leg rotations
2020 None awarded Online -
2019 Josef Viellehner
German Sport University Cologne, Germany


Oxford, Ohio, USA Road bike damping: comfort or performance related?
2018 Daniel Cottam
University of Western Australia, Australia


Auckland, New Zealand Can inertial measurement units be used to validly measure pelvis and thorax motion during cricket bowling?


Paul Felton
Loughborough University, UK


Cologne, Germany


Optimising individual performance in cricket fast bowling.


2016 Sina David
German Sport University, Germany


Tsukuba, Japan Victory or defeat – how movement strategies distinguish fast direction changes from cutting manoeuvres with high injury risk




John Warmenhoven
University of Sydney, Australia


Poitiers, France


The application of functional data analysis techniques for characterizing differences in rowing propulsive-pin force curves




Pedro Morouço
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal


Johnson City, TN, USA


Are dry-land strength metrics and forces exerted in-water related with high swimming velocity in young athletes?




Steffen Willwacher
German Sport University Cologne, Germany


Taipei, Taiwan


Start block kinetics: what the best do different than the rest


Roman Farana
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


The effect of different hand position on impact forces and elbow loading during the round off in female gymnastics




Gerda Strutzenberger
University of Salzburg, Austria


Melbourne, Australia


Pedal forces, lower limb joint kinematics and kinetics in cycling with circular and non-circular chainrings


Helen Crewe
University of Western Australia, Australia

Functional screening test associated with altered trunk and pelvis kinematics and low back injury incidence in adolescent fast bowlers




Giulia Mantovani
University of Ottawa, Canada


Porto, Portugal


Is principal components analysis more efficient to detect differences on biomechanical variables between groups?




Anne Richter
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


Marquette, MI, USA


Effects of age, gender, and activity level on counter-movement jump performance and variability in children and adolescents




Neil Bezodis
University of Bath, UK


Limerick, Ireland


Development, evaluation and application or a simulation model of a sprinter during the first stance phase




Ezio Preatoni
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy


Seoul, Korea


Nonlinear analysis of race walking gait: Movement variability, Entropy and Motor Skill Assessment




Miriam Klous
University of Salzburg, Austria


Ouro Preto, Brazil


Lower extremity joint loading in carved ski and snowboard turns


Giulia Dona
University of Padova, Padova, Italy


Principal components analysis of knee angle waveforms during race walking




Jodie Cochrane
University of Western Australia, Australia


Salzburg, Austria


The effect of lower limb training on muscular support of the knee and risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury




Wolfgang Potthast
German Sport University, Cologne


Beijing, China


The choice of training footwear has an effect on changes in morphology and function of foot and shank muscles




Cassie Wilson
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK


Ottawa, Canada


Optimization of Performance in Running Jumps for Height




None awarded




Clara Soper
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand


Caceres, Spain


The Effectiveness of the Goggles Training System as a Coaching Tool in Changing Pelvis Angle at the Catch during On-Water Rowing




Thor Besier
University of Western Australia, Australia


San Francisco, California, USA


Muscle Activation Patterns at the Knee Joint During Unanticipated Sidestepping Tasks




Young-Tae Lim
Yeungnam University, Kyungsan, Korea


Hong Kong, China


Estimated Lumbar Spinal Loads During a Golf Swing using an EMG-Assisted Optimization Model Approach




Margaret McBride
Australian Catholic University Sydney, Australia


Perth, Australia


Use of Real-Time Telemetry to Monitor Instantaneous Seat and Boat Velocity in Pair oared Rowing




Toshimasa Yanai
School of Physical Education, University of Otago, NZ


Konstanz, Germany


Mechanics of Body Roll in Front-Crawl Swimming




Sang Yeon Woo
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


Denton, Texas, USA


A Three Dimensional Analysis of the Windmill Style of Softball Delivery for Fast and Change-Up Pitching




Laurie Malone
University of Alberta, Canada


Funchal, Madeira, Portugal


The Effects of Wrist Restraints on Wheeling Biomechanics




Calvin Morriss
Manchester Metropolitan University, England


Thunder Bay, Canada


The Biomechanics of Elite Javelin Throwing Technique




Marco Caffi
Politecnico di Milano, D.S.T.M., Milano, Italy


Siofok, Hungary


Balls Mathematical Models and Mechanical Tests




Mark Walsh
California State University, Northridge, USA


Amherst, Massachusetts, USA


Kinematics of the Pole Vault Approach


Brian Caster
University of Oregon, USA


The Effect of Height and Post-Landing Movement Task on Landing Performance




Nigel Stockhill
Crewe-Alsager College of Higher Education, UK


Milano, Italy


A Three Dimensional Cinematographica Analysis of the Techniques of International and English Country Cricket Fast Bowlers




None awarded


Ames, Iowa, USA




Milan Jurdik
University of Karlova, Prague, Czechoslovakia


Prague, Czechoslovakia


Biomechanical Analysis of the Horizontal Jumps


Greg Wilson
University of Western Australia, Australia


Maximizing the Use of Elastic Energy in a Stretch Shorten Cycle Movement