Geoffrey Dyson

According to John Disley, one of Geoffrey Dyson's favorite pupils, "He devoted his life to making coaching a science and to exposing the charlatan whose only effective advice was "Do it again, but harder".The Geoffrey Dyson Award of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports recognizes sport scientists who, throughout their professional careers, bridge the gap between biomechanics research and practice in sport. It is the most prestigious award of ISBS because it is a recognition of individuals who embody and carry out the primary purposes of the Society. The recipient of the Geoffrey Dyson Award delivers a keynote lecture on the opening night of the ISBS annual conference.

Award Criteria:
  • The candidate must have an international reputation in the field of sports biomechanics.
  • The candidate must have demonstrated a commitment to the applied nature of Sports Biomechanics and an ability to communicate with both the researcher and the practitioner.
  • The candidate should be a supporter of ISBS and its primary purposes. Membership and/or direct engagement at conferences/symposia is preferred although not essential.
  • A condition of acceptance shall be that the candidate delivers personally the Geoffrey Dyson Lecture at the ISBS conference in the following year. The content of the Geoffrey Dyson Lecture must be relevant to an ISBS audience.
  • The applicant, if selected, is expected to submit a scientific review article of their presented work, or some aspects of it, for publication in ‘Sports Biomechanics’ within 6 months of the award. Upon receipt of the award, the applicant will receive an invite for paper submission from the EIC of Sports Biomechanics, and the EIC will then coordinate the submission and review process in line with standard journal policies.
Nomination Process:

Members can nominate a candidate by sending a letter of support (maximum of 4 pages) to the VP of Awards outlining the research profile and major achievements of the candidate in line with the award criteria listed above. The nominator must also provide a CV of the candidate. The letter of support or CV should also include the candidate’s contact details.


The letter of support and CV must both be submitted to the VP of Awards by the 30th of April.

Further information is available on pages 13-16 of the Manual for Awards of ISBS.

2023 Dr Jill McNitt-Gray
University of Southern California, USA
Milwaukee, USA TBC
2022 Dr João Paulo Vilas-Boas
University of Porto, Portugal
Liverpool, UK Swimming biomechanics: from the pool to the lab... and back
2021 Dr Julie Steele
University of Wollongong, Australia
Canberra, Australia Long-term lessons learned in biomechanics
2020 Dr David Lloyd
Griffith University, Australia

The future's in-field sports biomechanics: wearables plus modelling compute real-time in vivo tissue loading to prevent and repair musculoskeletal injuries

Available to view on the ISBS YouTube Channel here.

2019 Dr. Michiyoshi Ae
Nippon Sport Science University, Japan
Oxford, Ohio, USA The next steps for expanding and deepening sport biomechanics
2018 Dr Hermann Schwameder
University of Salzburg
Auckland, New-Zealand Moving on slopes: Issues and challenges from a biomechanical perspective
2017 walterherzhog  Dr. Walter Herzog
University of Calgary
Cologne, Germany From Medals to Muscles to Molecules and back to Medals
2016 Dr Patria Hume
Auckland University of Technology
Tsukuba, Japan Motion Matters!
2015 Dr. Richard Smith
University of Sydney, Australia
Poitiers, France Generating and applying knowledge in sports biomechanics: examples from rowing and running
2014 Dr. Drew Harrison
University of Limerick, Ireland
Johnson City, TN, USA Applications of functional data analysis in sport biomechanics
2013 Dr. David Kerwin
Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Taipei, Taiwan Half a century in sports biomechanics: bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners
2012 Dr. Gideon Ariel
Ariel Dynamics, San Diego, CA, USA
Melbourne, Australia Biomechanics from the Big Bang to the Cloud
2011 Dr. Youlian Hong
Chengdu Sports University, China
Porto, Portugal Tai Chi: Movement Characteristics and Prevention of Falls
2010 Dr. Barry Bates
University of Oregon, USA
Marquette, MI, USA Accommodating strategies for preventing chronic lower extremity injuries
2009 Dr. Albert Gollhofer
University of Freiburg, Germany
Limerick, Ireland Functional role of proprioceptive feedback in balance and in reactive movement
2008 Dr. Maurice Yeadon
Loughborough University, UK
Seoul, Korea Applications of Modelling to the improvement of sports technique
2007 Dr. Ross Saunders
Edinburgh University, UK
Ouro Preto, Brazil Rock and roll rhythms in swimming
2006 Dr. Joseph Hamill
University Of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Salzburg, Austria Overuse injuries in running: Do complex analyses help our understanding?
2005 Dr. Roger Bartlett
University of Otago, New Zealand
Beijing, China Future Trends in Sports Biomechanics
2004 Dr. Benno Nigg
University of Calgary, Canada
Ottawa, Canada Impact forces and injury - a new paradigm
2003   None awarded (due to cancelled conference)    
2002 Dr. Jesus Dapena
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Caceres, Spain The Evolution of High Jumping Technique: Biomechanical Analysis
2001 Dr. Peter Cavanagh
Penn State University, University Park, USA
San Francisco, USA Biomechanics on The International Space Station: The Past, Present, And Future
2000 Dr. Bruce R. Mason
Australian Insitute of Sport, Canberra, Australia
Hong Kong, China Providing a service to an elite national sports programme
1999 Dr. James Hay
Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Perth, Australia The takeoff in the long jump and other running jumps
1998 Dr. Herbert Hatze
Department of Biomechanics, University of Vienna, Austria
Konstanz, Germany Biomechanics of Sports - Selected Examples of Successful Applications and Future Perspectives
1997 Dr. Pekka Luhtanen
Research Institute for Olympic Sports, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Denton, TX, USA How Biomechanics Research Can Help the Coach
1996 Dr. David A. Winter
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Total Body Kinetics: Our Diagnostic Key to Human Movement
1995 Dr. Patrick J. Bishop
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Thunder Bay, Canada Biomechanics of Cervical Quadriplegia. A Review
1994 Dr. Gert-Peter Bruggemann
Institute for Athletics and Gymnastics, German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
Siofok, Hungary Biomechanical Considerations on Jumping in Sports - An Approach to a Fundamental Understanding
1993 Dr. Doris I. Miller
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Amherst, MA, USA The Challenge of Communicating with Coaches by Computer
1992 Dr. Vladimir Zatsiorsky
Central Institute of Physical Culture, Moscow, Russia and Pennsylvania State University, USA
Milano, Italy Biomechanical Basis of Strength Training
1991 Dr. Elizabeth Roberts
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Ames, IA, USA Tracking Velocity in Motion
1990   None awarded Prague, Czechoslovakia  
1989 Dr. Bruce Elliott
University of Western Australia, Australia
Melbourne, Australia Biomechanics: Its Role in Sports Performance
1988 Dr. Marlene Adrian
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Bozeman, MT, USA Quasars and Quintessence
1987 Dr. Gerhard Hochmuth
Research Institute for Physical Culture and Sport, Leipzig, GDR
Athens, Greece Biomechanical Movement Analysis Regarding the Aspect of Energy Input