Article 1.0 NAME and DOMICILE
The name of the organization shall be the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS), hereinafter referred to as the Society.
The domicile of the Society is in Zürich, Switzerland.
Article 2.0 OBJECTIVES
The objectives of the Society shall be:
2.1 To expand the knowledge of sports biomechanics.
2.2 To provide a forum for researchers, teachers, coaches and practitioners in sports biomechanics.
2.3 To encourage and assist in the development of technology that is needed to study biomechanics in sports.
2.4 To hold annually an international conference and to sponsor workshops, seminars and other meetings to allow the transfer of knowledge and research between individuals in different countries.
2.5 To gather and disseminate information and materials on the biomechanics of sports to appropriate organizations and individuals.
2.6 To carry out any other non-commercial activities that will advance and promote biomechanics in sports.
Article 3.0 MEMBERSHIP
Membership in the Society shall be open to individuals, groups, and national and international organizations interested in the application of biomechanics to sports. The classes of membership and their terms of reference shall be as provided in the By-Laws of the Society.
The Society shall be an international, non-profit organization dedicated to carrying out activities to achieve the objectives previously specified. The official language of the Society, including the Annual Conference will be English.
A Board of Directors and an Executive Council, elected by the Members at large, shall govern the Society. The Secretary-General and the Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The terms of reference for election and the duties to be performed are outlined in the By-Laws of the Society.
Membership of the Society shall consist of the following classes: member, fellow, life member, student member, group member, and affiliate member. Other membership categories may be established by the Executive Council, provided that the membership class is approved subsequently by the general membership. Membership generally requires the submission of an application accompanied by the appropriate fee as prescribed at the time of the application.
1.01 Member
Membership shall be open to any individual who is interested in the application of biomechanics to sports.
1.02 Fellow
The Fellow award of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) recognizes substantial scholarly and service contributions to ISBS and sports biomechanics. ISBS members may apply to the Awards Committee for review for Fellow status by showing they meet the minimum requirements for the award. Members receiving the Fellow Award may use the title Fellow International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (FISBS). Fellows elected prior to 2005 shall be exempt from Conference registration fees. The procedure for selection as fellow of the Society shall be organised and controlled by the Awards Committee.
Candidates for FISBS would normally have:
1. been an ISBS member for at least 4 consecutive years,
2. presented at least one paper each at two ISBS conferences,
3. published at least 5 sport biomechanics papers (minimum 3 as first author) in English, peer-reviewed scientific journals,
4. served ISBS as either, (1) conference host, (2) executive board member, (3) board director, (4) an executive member of the editorial board of Sports Biomechanics, (5) editor in chief of Sport Biomechanics journal or (6) a significant contributor to the application of biomechanics in sport,
5. been nominated by a board member, executive member, or Fellow of the Society.
1.03 Life Member
A special membership category reserved for members who have made outstanding contributions to the Society. Elected by the Executive Council, a life member has all the privileges of membership but does not pay annual dues.
1.04 Student Member
Membership shall be open to individuals who are attending institutions of learning as undergraduate or graduates. A student member has all the privileges of membership.
1.05 Group Member
Membership shall be open to groups of professional biomechanists and sports specialists that are duly constituted and recognized nationally, where the individuals making up the group are unable to become members in the Society because of national or monetary problems. Individuals in the group membership category shall have all the privileges of membership in the Society but the group shall have only one vote at any election of the Society.
1.06 Affiliate Member
Memberships shall be open to international and national governing bodies and societies that are interested in cooperating with the Society to achieve its objectives. An affiliate member shall have the privilege of appointing one delegate to attend and vote at meetings of the Society.
1.07 The membership year shall be the calendar year.
1.08 Only members in good standing may vote, stand for election or appointment to office.
Article 2.0 Administration
The Executive Council shall consist of nine (9) officers who, together with up to twenty (20) Directors and two (2) Student Directors, shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Society.
2.01 The officers shall be: President, President Elect/Past President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Vice President of Conferences and Meetings, Vice President of Research and Projects, Vice President of Awards, Vice President of Public Relations, and Vice President of Publications.
2.02 The President-Elect and Directors shall be elected by a simple majority vote through an electronic ballot submitted to the members in April.
2.03 The Officers, Directors, and Student Directors shall serve for two-year terms except the President, who shall serve for one year as President Elect, two years as President and one year as Past President.
2.04 The Directors are eligible for re-election on completion of their term of office for up to a maximum of 10 years within any 15 year period. No re-election is allowed for Student Directors. The 10 year term limit would not apply to terms served as the President-Elect, President, Past-President, Secretary General, Treasurer, or Student Director.
2.05 Up to ten (10) Directors and one (1) Student Director shall be elected each year. These directors will form the basis of the Committee structure for the Society. Newly elected Directors will take office during the AGM.
2.06 The offices of Vice President of Awards, Vice President of Conferences and Meetings, Vice President of Publications, Vice President of Public Relations, and Vice President of Research and Projects shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. These appointments to office will come from members within the Board of Directors and last for two years.
2.07 The Secretary General and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The terms of office for these positions shall be for two years with reappointment possible. Individuals for these positions shall come from the membership of the Society.
2.08 The offices of the Vice Presidents, the President, the President-Elect/Past-President, the Secretary General and Treasurer will make up the Executive Council.
2.9 Vacancies occurring on the Executive Council or the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Council. Appointees shall serve only for the duration of the terms of the previous incumbents.
2.10 The Executive Council and the Board of Directors shall meet at least once annually.
2.11 Other meetings of the Executive Council and the Board of Directors may be called by the President or upon the written request of five (5) Officers and /or Directors.
2.12 The Board of Directors may empower the Executive Council to act with the full authority of the Board.
2.13 The Executive Council shall be empowered to appoint ISBS members to represent the Society at special gatherings and events.
2.14 All members of the Society may attend meetings of the Board of Directors, and may participate in the discussions, but only Directors may propose or second motions and vote.
2.15 The Board of Directors shall establish the dues for the various categories of membership.
2.16 The fiscal year of the Society shall be July 1 to June 30.
The Executive Council shall consist of nine (9) officers, who together with up to twenty (20) Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Society.
3.01 President
The chief executive officer, the President, generally shall supervise the affairs of the Society and perform all duties incident to the office and those prescribed from time to time by the Executive Council and Board of Directors. Ex-officio, the President shall be a member of all Committees and shall chair the Membership Committee.
3.02 President Elect
The President Elect shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties, and in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of that office.
3.03 Past President
The Past President shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties, and in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of that office.
3.04 Vice President of Conferences and Meetings
The Vice President of Conferences and Meetings shall be responsible for planning, coordination and implementation of conferences, clinics, tutorials, workshops and meetings. The Vice President of Conferences and Meetings shall have the overall responsibility for the Annual Conference, and shall function as Co-Chairperson of the local Conference Committee, together with the local Conference Chair.
3.05 Vice President of Awards
The Vice President of Awards shall function as Chairperson of the Awards Committee, which shall have responsibility for the selection of candidates for election of Fellows, Life Members, the Geoffrey Dyson Lecturer, NIA and other special awards as approved by the Society.
3.06 Vice President of Public Relations
The Vice President of Public Relations shall function as the Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee, which is responsible for the establishment of good relationships and affiliations with other organizations, and publicizing the activities and accomplishments of the Society.
3.07 Vice President of Research and Projects
The Vice President of Research and Projects shall be responsible for recommending academic research projects and research that should be endorsed by the Society, and for coordinating and assisting academic research when and where appropriate.
3.08 Vice President of Publications
The Vice President of Publications shall be responsible for the publications of the Society including the ISBS Newsletters, Sports Biomechanics journal and proceedings of the Conferences. These include liaising with the Editor of the journal "Sports Biomechanics" to ensure its timely publication. This person shall also liaise with the Annual Conference Chair to ensure the publication of proceedings of the Conference. The Vice President of Publications shall function as Chairperson of the Publications Committee of the Society.
3.09 Secretary General
The Secretary General shall be custodian of the seal of the Society as well as official documents and records and shall maintain the files of the Society, including the membership roster, which shall be maintained jointly with the Treasurer.
3.10 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer, and shall maintain appropriate bank accounts and financial records of the Society, and shall jointly maintain the membership roster with the Secretary General. The Treasurer shall prepare a fiscal year-end audited financial statement, to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer shall prepare a budget for the forthcoming year for approval by the Board of Directors. Other duties of the Treasurer are outlined in the appropriate Policy Manual.
3.11 Directors
The needs and interests of the Society shall determine the function of the Directors.
3.12 Executive Council
ISBS Executive Council will provide and update from time to time the documentation on policies to regulate activities of the Society’s Committees. Policies expressed in the appropriate Policy Manuals will be required to be followed for all business of the Society. All Policy Manuals will be available to the members via a link on the Society website. The policies related to the selection, organization, and delivery of the annual conference, are required to be followed by the host.
3.13 Student Directors
The Student Directors represent the student members of ISBS on the Board of Directors. They will liaise with a student representative from the host institution (nominated by the Chair of the Organizing Committee) in relation to the arrangement of student-specific activities at the annual conference. The Student Representatives may engage with any other activities they feel may enhance the student experience and engagement with the society; and will encourage student members to remain part of ISBS as full members.
Committees named in these By-Laws shall be designated as Standing Committees, and shall function on a continuing basis. They shall carry out duties, and report as hereinafter specified.
4.01 Unless provided otherwise, the Chairpersons of Standing Committees shall select the members thereof, and shall report to the Executive Council, Board of Directors, or Annual General Meeting as appropriate.
4.02 The Standing Committees shall be: Nominations, Awards, Public Relations, Publications, Conferences and Meetings, Projects and Research, and By-Laws.
4.03 The Nominations Committee The Chairperson shall be the Past President/ President Elect. The Secretary General shall be a member along with two Directors. The Committee shall receive and solicit nominations for the positions of the President-Elect and directors to ensure that all positions on the Board of Directors are filled. The Committee shall attempt to provide at least two nominations for each position.
The slate of nominees shall be submitted each year to the Secretary General by mid-January.
4.04 The Awards Committee
The chair shall be the Vice President of Awards who shall appoint committee members as required. Other duties of the Vice President of Awards are outlined in the appropriate Policy Manual.
4.05 The Public Relations Committee
The chair shall be the Vice President of Public Relations and shall include at least two members appointed by the Chairperson.
The Committee shall be responsible for determining ways and means of developing relations with other organizations and publicizing the activities and accomplishments of the Society. Other duties of the Vice President of Public Relations are outlined in the appropriate Policy Manual.
4.06 The Publications Committee
The chair shall be the Vice President of Publications, who may function as Editor of the Society's Newsletter. If the Chairperson does not function as Editor, the latter shall be a member of the Publications Committee. The Chairperson shall appoint at least one other member.
The Committee shall be responsible for the production of the Society's Newsletter and other publications the Society may publish. Other duties of the Vice President of Publications are outlined in the appropriate Policy Manual.
4.07 The Conference and Meetings Committee
The chair shall be the Vice President of Conferences and Meetings, who shall appoint committee members as required. Other duties of the Vice President of Conferences and Meetings are outlined in the appropriate Policy Manual.
4.08 The Research and Projects Committee
The chair shall be the Vice President of Research and Projects, who shall appoint at least two members.
The Committee shall develop strategies and carry out projects to advance the project and research areas of the Society. Other duties of the Vice President of Research and Projects are outlined in the appropriate Policy Manual.
4.09 The By-Laws Committee
The chair shall be the President. The Chairperson shall appoint members as required.
The Committee shall review the Constitution and By-Laws in relation to the current structure and functioning of the Society and propose appropriate amendments to improve the Society.
5.01 A quorum for meetings of the Executive Council shall be five (5) officers.
5.02 A quorum for meetings of the Board of Directors shall be one third of the incumbent Directors plus one (1).
5.03 A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be twenty-five (25) duly qualified members in good standing.
5.04 Robert's Rules of Order shall govern proceedings at all meetings of the Society. If the rules of order are in conflict with the By-Laws, the latter shall prevail.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in conjunction with the holding of the Annual Conference.
6.01 The Order of Business at the Annual General Meeting shall be as provided in the Regulations
6.02 Auditors shall be appointed for the next fiscal year.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in conjunction with the holding of the Annual Conference.
7.01 The Executive Council may appoint Honorary Officers of the Society from among persons, who, by their high office or unique distinction, may render kudos, service or assistance to the Society.
7.02 The Executive Council may appoint Patrons from among persons of high or unique office, or organizations that may render service to the Society by lending their names to special events or activities of the Society.
7.03 Honorary Officers appointed may include: (a) Honorary President(s), and (b) Honorary Vice President(s).
8.01 The Constitution and its By-Laws may be amended with approval of 2/3 majority of the members voting in an email poll or at the AGM, providing a quorum of 25 votes is achieved.
8.02 All amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws must be provided to members one month prior to voting.
8.03 The email voting period is defined as 30 days from the posting of the email to all financial members.
8.04 Proxy votes from financial members will be accepted at AGM voting, provided that the President receives such votes two weeks prior to the commencement of the Annual Conference.
Approved by the ISBS membership - July 2022.